
Thank you for taking this journey with me!


DISCLAIMER: Red Solo Traveler is a reader-supported publication. This page contains affiliate links and banners. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Have you ever wondered what is it like to travel somewhere by yourself? To hop on a plane, or get in your car and just go somewhere? To have a hotel room or apartment or even a house all to yourself? To go where you want to go at your pace? My name is Lou, and I have been solo traveling for almost a decade, and while my solo traveling has been solely focused within the United States, there's still so much to explore and discover, and I want to be your guide in making solo traveling approachable and fun.

Solo traveling can be overwhelming and daunting, but also incredibly rewarding. You get to explore different places and cultures, interact with the locals, and perhaps learn something new. Maybe you enjoy visiting local breweries and wineries, or visiting local museums, or taking in one of the local parks or beaches. Solo traveling also doesn't have to be...solo! You can use a portion of your trip to visit friends or family. I have always viewed solo traveling as traveling and staying at your location on your own. It can be what you want it to be.

river, trees, sky

My plan for the website is to provide unique commentary on travel news, tell some great travel stories, and dispense tips and tricks to navigate and prepare for solo traveling. As you can probably tell, I also enjoy taking photos of my various excursions, and I plan to showcase some of my photos as well, especially on my social media platforms.

Please check out and follow the social media hubs on Twitter/X, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube.

You can help support Red Solo Traveler by clicking on affiliate links, and making purchases. As noted in the disclaimer above, I receive a small commission which helps support the operating costs of the website. One such example, please check out and consider booking your next experience at the Red Solo Traveler Shop, powered by Viator.

airplane in sky

Another way to help support Red Solo Traveler is to donate to my "Tip Jar". I also refer to it as "Buy Me A Coffee". It's completely voluntary, it will not bind you to a subscription, and you don't have to subscribe to the newsletter. You can be a visitor and simply feel generous enough to pitch in a few dollars! No obligation whatsoever, but it is greatly appreciated!

tip jar

With that in mind, I ask you to bear with me. This is a one man operation where I write the posts and also design and maintain the structure of the website. I'm learning as I go. In fact, the last website I ran was 20 years ago, and needless to say, a lot has changed! I would love your feedback as I go on, so please shoot me an email at main@redsolotraveler.com

Thank you and here's to taking this journey together...

train, mountains, trees